Focus music

When I’m coding, sometimes I’ll put on various game soundtracks on Spotify.

I don’t listen to soundtracks for games I already play. I know the music too well and it’s distracting. I focus on trying out music from stuff I’ve never played.

Besides getting music that helps me focus, as a bonus I end up discovering interesting games I’d never heard of before and probably wouldn’t have found any other way.

It’s pretty awesome, though it does mean my Steam wishlist gets even longer.

Cranky Tech Rant #1

(#1 because yeah, there will be more)

I am really tired and a bit angry at people calling themselves “React Developers”.

No. Please. You are a JavaScript developer working in React.

Just like right now I’m a Ruby developer working in Rails.

It’s really easy to lose sight of the language at the core, and the fundamentals that go with it, if we forget what the foundation is for these frameworks.

This could be expanded to saying “You are a DEVELOPER” and please don’t put a language-specific label on it, but then, that’s because I like being a polyglot. That’s not everyone’s cup of tea, for sure.