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General Installs
VS Code extensions
- auto rename tag
- bracket pair colorizer
- code outline
- custom Princess color theme
- erb
- jsx
- markdown all in one
- ocampo and reason ide
- prettier
- ruby
- ruby solargraph
- settings sync
- sort lines
- todo highlight
- todo parser
Atom plugins
- city lights ui and syntax
- open-recent
- parinfer
- proto-repl
- remember-folds
- swackets
- Bundler
- Homebrew with Cask
- iTerm2 Dracula theme
- jrnl
- nvm and latest node
- rails
- rvm and latest ruby, set latest ruby to default
- thefuck
- Tiny care terminal
- VS Code’s Yeoman extension generator
- Xcode command line tools
Installed with Homebrew
- Git
- graphviz
- Heroku
- mySQL
- pip
- Postgresql
- yarn